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FRAMESx Creative Studio

A Path of Inspiration for Others to Follow, Doug Oliver for Mayor, 2015


Alexander D. L. Oliver

Nine years ago, a pivotal moment unfolded when I embraced my talent with unwavering determination, fueled by the legacy of my family name. In that defining moment, I realized I ...

Nine years ago, a pivotal moment unfolded when I embraced my talent with unwavering determination, fueled by the legacy of my family name. In that defining moment, I realized I held the pen to script the narrative of a 40-year-old underdog embarking on a profound journey.

Despite the formidable odds, he carried a vision for our city, daring to defy expectations and carve a path of inspiration for others to follow. Stay tuned and follow @framesbysoskyhigh  for more inspiring stories. #framesbysoskyhigh #luminarystories #dougoliver4mayor #comingsoon #themastergrind

Nothing Splendid has ever been achieved by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. -J. Gordon Ogilvie
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